Friday, August 6, 2010

Learning Experiences...

...around every corner. You never know what you and your children will learn today. For example, one day Big T found a teeny tiny toad in our yard. He became a lesson for the children through observation. This little guy was so small I don't even know how Big T spotted him. He seems to have an eye for this type of thing.

Learn to make any and every opportunity a learning experience for the family. That is the beauty of homeschooling the children. So much of the learning is never planned! I have learned (in the short time that I have been homeschooling) to take advantage of every single opportunity. I am so grateful that I have the privilege to teach my children at home! I thank the Lord every day. (Oh, and we have just completed our first week of school. I will post more about that later.)

1 comment:

Anna said...

What a cool frog. James told me there is a place in our local park filled with frogs. I would like to take Chloe there.