Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Start of Penguin week :-)

Today we started on the letter P and penguins. As I was looking at the blog today I realized that I skipped the letter H. I guess I don't have any photos from it other than this water color that Beloved did of horses for the children. The children painted pictures for the letter H and E as well, but they put them somewhere and I can't find them right now....go figure. are the pictures for Horses and Elephant (The elephant was fashioned after a picture in the book, Little Elephant Thunderfoot that I mentioned yesterday.)

Isn't the painting of the baby elephant adorable? I think it is. :-) And today the children practiced writing their letters in rice today. These pics are not the greatest, but it is all I have. They really enjoy doing this as they can "erase" their mistakes and try again and again.

I also wonder.....what I am doing wrong with this blog. It rarely ever gets any posts...I get posts on my main blog but it is as if no one bothers to come over to this one. I started the second one so the school posts would overshadow the other family activities we do....I dont' know......Just would like a comment every once in a know?


Anonymous said...

Okay, Okay! I read the blog in bloglines. Sorry I don't comment more. :-P

Brian's artwork looks really good. I hope he keeps it up now that he has his new job.


NewLifestyle said...

Hey there youngin, I was out browsing the blogs and came across
this one. I agree with you, it's good to keep their school one all it's own. It's good for them. I wish we had a computer back when I was home schooling my two, it would have been a great teaching tool.
Good to read up on what all you have been doing and we miss you hun. Pop in at TheMania when you can and give a visit. We sure do miss you there :)

Marci said...

Tell Ginny to send you the little picture I sent her made so that people post a comment.